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Participation in interscholastic athletics is an integral part of the educational process for students in Craven County Schools.  The primary goal of of athletics is to teach students character and self-discipline skills that will enable them to develop to their fullest potential.

Students wishing to play sports at the middle or high school level must have an annual sports physical completed by a licensed healthcare provider.

 High School Athletic Forms
Students must complete the following forms in DragonFly to participate in High School Athletics.

DragonFly RegistratioN DIRECTIONS  

NCHSAA Eligibility, Consent & Release Form
NCHSAA Gfeller-Waller Concussion Statement Form
NCHSAA Medical Exam Form (Annual Physical)
CCS Athletic Code of Conduct
CCS Student-Athletic Insurance Information
CCS Extracurricular Travel Notification

Middle School Athletic Forms
Students must print out and complete the Middle School Athletics Participation Packet.  Please turn in participation packet to the head coach before tryouts start.  Students must have a physical submitted to the coach prior to trying out for a team or participating in school-sponsored workouts.

Middle School Participation Packet

District Athletic Information

CCS Athletic Handbook
Student-Athlete School Insurance
District Athletic Policies
2024-2025 High School Pre-season Parent Meeting Presentation
2024-2025 Middle School Pre-season Parent Meeting Presentation
NCHSAA Eligibility Video
NCHSAA Crashcourse Concussion Video
NCHSAA Handbook
DPI Middle School Manual
NCAA Eligibility Requirements
NFHS Network Link


High School
Middle School

Photo of Faith at NCHSAA State Championship
Photo of HHS, WCHS, NBHS Regional Wrestlers
HHS football team 24-25

Contact Us

Central Office Administrators

Dr. Gregory Monroe,
Director of Student Services –

Tim Bennett, Athletic Coordinator

High School Athletic Directors

Tameka Wiggins, Havelock HS

Bo Lansche, New Bern HS

David Fernandez, West Craven HS

Middle School Athletic Directors

Matt Bowman, Grover C. Fields MS

Matt Reid, HJ MacDonald MS

Dianne Lewis, Havelock MS

Kyle White, Tucker Creek MS

Elsa Simmons, Tucker Creek MS

Shawn McCarthy, West Craven MS

Jesse Bryant, West Craven MS

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