Pricing Paper and Finishing
Color Printing (Standard weight) Cardstock
8.5x11 1 Side $.06 2 Sides $.11 1 Side $.09 2 Sides $.14
8.5x14 1 Side $.07 2 Sides $.12 1 Side $.10 2 Sides $.15
11x17 1 side $.12 2 Sides $.22 1 Side $.14 2 Sides $.24
12x18 1 Side $.20 2 Sides $.30
13x19 1 Side $.21 2 Sides $.31
Note: Price may vary for medium weight paper
B/W Printing (Standard weight) Cardstock
8.5x11 1 or 2 Sides $.02 1 or 2 Sides $.05
8.5x14 1 or 2 Sides $.03 1 or 2 Sides $.06
11x17 1 or 2 Sides $.04 1 or 2 Sides $.07
12x18 1 or 2 Sides $.11
13x19 1 or 2 Sides $.12
Posters/Banners: Lamination Note: Add $.50 for all smaller sizes
16x20 $2.00 Add $.50
18x24 $4.00 Add $1.00
24x36 $6.00 Add $1.50
36x48 $8.00 Add $2.00
Note: Banners can be no larger than 36 inches wide, but can be as long as needed. Price will depend on size.
12x18 Metal (Rounded Corners) $8.00 (Only printed on 1 side)
18x24 Coroplast Yard Signs 1 Side $2.00 2 Sides $2.50
Add H Stake $2.00
Note: Coroplast can be no larger than 18x24
Metal signs will need to be installed by Facilities Department
NCR (Carbonless)
8.5x11 2 Part (White, yellow) $.02 per sheet (250 sets per ream)
8.5x11 3 Part (White, yellow, pink) $.03 per sheet (166 sets per ream)
8.5x11 4 Part (White, yellow, pink, gold) $.04 per sheet (125 sets per ream)
Note: A 20% material fee is added to NCR printing
#9 Regular (3 7/8 x 8 7/8) $.03 each
#9 Window $.05 each
#10 Regular (4 1/8 x 9 ½) $.04 each
#10 Window $.06 each
A-2 (4 3/8 x 5 ¾) $.05 each
A-8 (5 ½ x 8 1/8) $.07 each
Note: Printing costs for envelopes will vary according the ink coverage. Average printing cost is $.02 per copy
Coil Binding
6mm $.07 each 35 Sheets
7mm $.08 each 47 Sheets
8mm $.09 each 60 Sheets
9mm $.10 each 70 Sheets
10mm $11 each 80 Sheets
11mm $.12 each 90 Sheets
12mm $.13 each 100 Sheets
14mm $.17 each 120 Sheets
16mm $.21 each 140 Sheets
18mm $.25 each 160 Sheets
20mm $.28 each 180 Sheets
22mm $.32 each 200 Sheets
25mm $.39 each 230 Sheets
Note: There is a 20 sheet minimum for coil binding and a 230 maximum. Jobs under 20 sheets will be stapled and jobs over 230 sheets will be 3 hole punched.
Perfect Binding
$.06 per booklet
No Charge