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A.H. Bangert Scholarships & Loans

A.H. Bangert History

History: Albert Hubbard Bangert was born in New Bern in 1873 and died in 1944 at the age of 71. He attended New Bern public schools and went on to receive his higher education at Trinity College (now Duke University).  Albert Bangert was always public spirited and his generosity was known by many young people to whom he supplied money to attend school. Long before his death, he planned to consecrate his property to the education and training of deserving young people. His will states that the purpose of the gift was “to establish a fund from which money shall be loaned so such boys and girls…as said Board of Trustees or its successors shall deem deserving and in need of pecuniary assistance in acquiring suitable education in schools, colleges, universities, trade, business, professional or technical education institutions; all such loans to be made upon the promise of the borrower in writing to repay same within a reasonable time to be fixed by said Board. My reason for requiring repayment of money so loaned, and for restricting the use of said fund to loans to worthy students, is my desire to keep said fund intact so that its benefits may be perpetuated.”

Scholarship Information & Application

The trustees, Craven County Board of Education, offer three A. H. Bangert programs to students who meet the following requirements:

  • be a graduate of a public high school in Craven County
  • be formally accepted for admission to an accredited college or university
  • maintain a grade point average of 3.0 for the scholarship or
  • maintain a grade point average of 2.5 for the loan program

For the 2024-2025 school year, there will be at least eight (8) Bangert scholarships of $4,000 each to high school seniors enrolled in the Craven County School System to assist them in furthering education. These scholarships are for the college freshman year only and are paid directly to your college/university. Selection of the recipients is based on academic ability (high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher) and financial need. These scholarships are available for all in-state 2 and 4 year colleges and universities (no private colleges).   Please note that a completed, printed copy of the scholarship application will be accepted no later than April 4, 2025.

If sending an application by mail or in person, it must arrive to the office by close of business to be considered for the scholarship.

2025 Scholarship Application & information

Loan Information & Application

For students who are seeking loans for their education, the A. H. Bangert Student Loan Fund provides a low-interest loan with no interest accruing while you are enrolled as a full-time student. While a Promissory Note and a Deed of Trust on property owned in Craven County must support these loans, no repayment is expected on the principal until you have been out of college for one full year (high school cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher).

2025 Loan Application & Information

For More Information Contact the A.H. Bangert Administrators office at:

Jennifer Wagner
p: 252-514-6333

Tanna Gillis
p: 252-514-6314

S.E.E.D. Loan Information

For students planning to teach in public schools, we now offer the same terms as the A. H. Bangert Student Loans as outlined above, but with an added incentive. If you agree to come back to Craven County Public Schools to teach, the loans will be forgiven! Up to $3,500 per year will be considered paid in full for each year you teach in Craven County Schools (high school cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher). However, Craven County Schools is under no obligation to hire the applicant, even if the applicant is duly licensed, has complied with all of the terms of the Promissory Note and Deed of Trust, and the rules and regulations of the SEED loan program, and even if the Craven County Schools has a position available. All teaching positions with Craven County Schools are offered to the most qualified applicants.

2025 S.E.E.D. Loan Application & Information