What is the McKinney-Vento Act? Click the link to find out.
Families that lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence may be identified as homeless or an Unaccompanied Homeless Youth (UHY). If you or a family that you know are currently living in a motel, shelter, doubling up with others due to economic hardship, or have other similar living situations, please contact the school counselor at the school where the child attends or the district homeless liaison, Dr. Gregory Monroe, at 252 514-6300 or email gregory.monroe@cravenk12.org.
The State Coordinator for the Homeless Education Program is Lisa Phillips and she can be reached at 336-315-7491.
The website for the North Carolina Homeless Education Program is https://hepnc.uncg.edu/
- CCS Homeless Policy (4125)
- Information for Homeless School Aged Youth
- Information for Homeless Parents
- College Guide for Students Experiencing Homelessness
- CCS Staff McKinney-Vento Referral Form
- CCS McKinney-Vento Self-Referral Form
- Homeless Students Dispute Regulation
If you qualify as "homeless" under the McKinney-Vento Act, you are entitled to certain things.
- You automatically qualify for free lunch.
- You have the right to continue to attend your current school even if you are staying somewhere else temporarily with transportation provided.
- You are able to enroll in school even if you are not able to produce all of the required documents.
- Your child is able to participate in any school program or activity in which other children are able to participate.
- Your school may be able to provide other services and supplies needed for school free of charge.
Craven County Schools works to identify homeless students. Below are the number of homeless students identified in the previous years.
2016-2017 (183)
2017-2018 (159)
2018-2019 1203 (Hurricane Florence)
2019-2020 (238)
2020-2021 (74)
2022-2023 (81)
2023-2024 (147)