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Transcript Request


General Information

Craven County Schools (CCS) Student Records Department is responsible for the archiving of student permanent records of former and alumni CCS students.  CCS is now offering a convenient and secure website via Scribbles for former students and corporations to request transcripts and student records online.  Please note, if you have withdrawn at any time during the current school year, contact the last school attended for copies of records (see school addresses below).  

Per District policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) student records are only available to those who have authorization from the student or parent, guardian or responsible person if the student is under 18 years of age. If the student is 18 years of age or older, school records will not be released to a parent, guardian, or responsible person without the student’s written consent.

The information below is for CURRENT STUDENTS and RECENT GRADUATES

  • use to send a current or final transcript to any community college or university in North Carolina for FREE:   CLICK HERE TO ACCESS CFNC.ORG

                 The following information is needed to use this free service:  

                        First and Last Name
                        Powerschool ID number or (old NC Wise number)
                        Date of Birth
                        Current or most recent high school 

 NOTE: Current students will receive their first documents for free.


If requesting a prior school transcript please use the following third-party application:  

Click the link to access Scribbles for records request.
Important Information:

    • All requests for student records/information will be submitted and paid for online using a credit or debit card.  For those unable to pay by credit or debit card, we will accept a money order made out to Craven County Schools (See ONLINE PAYMENT OPTIONS on SCRIBBLES website). Total cost is $6.00 per copy.  
    • Phone, mail, or fax requests will no longer be accepted.
    • You will receive emails from to notify you of the status of your order.  It is important you read those emails carefully as additional information may be required to process your request.  
    • For those requesting to pick up records at a designated location in email, an official, unexpired photo ID such as a driver's license, passport, or military ID is required.
    • Please allow 10 business days for Craven County Schools to process student record orders.  

 All requests will be checked for accuracy. Any inaccurate information may result in your record not being processed. All communication with regard to your order, payment, our progress, and the records delivery will be sent via email.


Information Systems Technician
Melissa Detwiler
p: 252-514-6303
f:  252-514-6327

School Contacts

Craven Early College HS
ATTN: Transcripts
800 College Court
New Bern NC 28562

p: 252-637-5706 (Main Office)
f: 252-637-4459

Early College EAST
ATTN: Transcripts
104 Middle School Lane
Havelock NC 28532

p: 252-444-5194 (Main Office)
f:  252-444-2027

Havelock High
ATTN: DeAndrea Krupey
101 Webb Drive
Havelock NC 28532

p: 252-514-5112 (Main Office)
f:  252-444-5119

New Bern High
ATTN: Susan Chadick
4200 Academic Dr
New Bern NC 28562

p: 252-514-6400 (Main Office)
p: 252-514-6070
f:  252-514-6042

West Craven High
ATTN: Transcripts
2600 Streets Ferry Rd
Vanceboro NC 28586

p: 252-244-3200 (Main Office) 
f:  252-244-3207