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Teaching and Non-Teaching Work Experience Credit

Educators must first register for an on-line licensure account and then create the appropriate request to add experience credit. Use the links below to find out more information on eligibility requirements for professional educator (teaching) experience and non-teaching experience (work-related) credit.

Professional Educator experience is normally completed in a K-12 school setting. Non-Teaching experience credit is completed in the private sector and must be related to the educator's teaching assignment. Non-Teaching experience must also be recommended and submitted by the local school system before DPI will grant the credit.

All experience requests must be approved by DPI. If employed, the Licensure Specialist for the school district can submit the request for the educator. Our school district normally begins paying on professional educator experience as soon as DPI approves it.   There is a non-refundable $60 licensure processing fee for this request and requires payment by a VISA or MasterCard.

Forms You May Need:
Professional Work Experience Credit
Non-Teaching Work Experience Credit
JROTC Experience Credit
Military Experience
Career Interrupted by Military Service

Licensure Specialist

Latasha Lee
P: 252-514-6309