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School District Lookup

Find your base school.  All students must register at their base school.  
Please click on link below to view school district map.

School District Map


Below are a instructions for using the Craven County Government website to view the school districts.

Step by step instructions –

Go to Craven County Government’s GIS Mapping Page

Enter your Name or Property Address info in search area on right and click Search

Click on Parcel ID# to display your physical property location

Select “Show Map Layers” icon on tool bar, (three boxes with dash marks)

At “Map Layers,” select “+” next to “Miscellaneous”

Select the box and highlight the “i” circle next to “School Attendance Districts”

Click on the highlighted property location to display a school location popup


Select “Zoom In Tool” (circle with + inside) from tool bar

Click and hold “arrow” over area to enlarge, (“red” square to cover area)

Repeat “zooming” until desired area can be located

Either way, select “Identify Tool” icon (“i” inside circle) on the tool bar

Position pointer (arrow) at desired location and click

All three school level attendance districts will appear on screen

To define a new search or start over, click on the binoculars icon on the tool bar

Additional instructions for school attendance district lookup –

(These are the same instructions in a different format.)


Craven County GIS page with map showing should appear, (bookmark this page)

The school attendance districts can be shaded on the map by clicking on the Map Layers tool, then clicking on the Miscellaneous folder, then making the layer visible by clicking on the square box next to the layer labeled School Attendance Districts.  Refresh the map or change the mapview.  The elementary school attendance districts are shaded different color and the elementary school for that district is labeled on the map.

The user can determine what elementary, middle and high school a particular property is assigned to by clicking on the circle next to the School Attendance Districts layer and then activate the identify tool, click on the property using the mouse, and the three schools assigned to that property will be displayed in a small information window. Three hyperlinks to each schools webpage are also provided in the small window.  If you don’t see a small information window, then you most likely have the popup blockers turn on. Popup blockers stop websites from creating additional webpages on your screen. Note: you may want to temporarily turn off your popup blocker.


Board of Education
Central Services

3600 Trent Rd
New Bern NC 28562

p: 252-514-6300