PCS: Helpful Information
Enrollment/Withdrawal Procedures:
A checklist can be a helpful reminder when planning your next PCS. Here are two versions of an inbound-outbound checklist:
Quick checklist for school moves
School withdrawal/enrollment checklist
Enrollment and withdrawal are done at individual schools. Please contact the Data Manager at individual schools to make an appointment or to ask for further details.
Transfer of Records
When you are PCSing, it is most efficient to have a copy of your child's cumulative folder forwarded to the next school, or you may request a copy to hand-carry with your personal items, especially when you are moving overseas. If you have any questions or navigation concerns, please contact your school's Military Liaison.
If your child has an IEP or 504, it is best practice to hand carry a copy of this documentation.
Link to Register/Enroll with Craven County Schools
School Information
CCS 2024-25 Traditional Academic Calendar
Craven County Schools 2024-25 Early College Academic Calendar