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Exceptional Children's Services

Exceptional Children Program

Craven County Schools provides special education services and related services according to federal mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the regulations of North Carolina Public School Law, Article 9.

Project Child Find
Project Child Find is an effort coordinated by the local school system and the Exceptional Children Division, State Department of Public Instruction, to: 

  • Locate and identify children and youth ages birth through 21 with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services. 
  • Inform parents and/or guardians of the services available from their local school system and other state and community agencies. 

Project Child Find seeks to locate and identify children and youth who have been diagnosed or are suspected to have intellectual, physical, or emotional disabilities and are unable to benefit from a regular school program without special assistance.

If you have any questions about your student's IEP services, contact the Exceptional Children's Program Department of Craven County Schools.




Amber Gover

Seante Williams

EC Bookkeeper:
Seante Williams

EC Administrative Assistant:
Kelsey Smith

EC Data Manager: