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Homebound Services

Students who are physically unable to attend school may be eligible for homebound services.   Homebound services are designed for temporary absences from school and medical documentation must be provided including the forms below.  

The homebound teacher will provide assignments sent by the classroom teacher and work with the student during their visits.  Homebound services may be served virtually, at the home, or at another safe mutually agreed-upon location.  

The goal of the homebound program is to provide instruction such that the child will stay caught up with assignments and learning so that they can be successful once they are able to return to the classroom environment.  

Homebound services should be used as a last resort and other options should be explored, such as a reduced schedule or accommodations made within the school and/or classroom. Parents/Guardians should consult with the school counselor(s) and/or the school administration to begin the process to request homebound services. 

Students with a 504 or IEP parents/guardians should contact their child's 504 or IEP case manager. This constitutes a change in placement that must be determined by the 504/IEP team.

All of the forms listed below needs to be completed before an evaluation for homebound services is made. Once the forms are completed they should be sent to the Director of Student Services to determine if homebound services are meets the requirements set forth by the NC Student Attendance and Student Accounting Manual. 

NC Student Attendance & Accounting Manual (Homebound)

  • CCS Parent Homebound Request Form
  •  CCS Physician/Medical Release Form
  • CCS Physician Form (diagnosis)

Forms can be obtained by contacting  the School Counselor.

Medically Fragile

A student who qualifies for special education in one of the existing categories of disability and for whom a licensed medical doctor has provided documentation that an associated or accompanying chronic illness is so severe as to affect the student's school attendance. A medically fragile student is one whose illness frequently places him/her in life-threatening situations. In addition, he/she may be technology- dependent on life support systems, i.e., tracheotomy, gastrostomy, etc.

Rare instances may exist in which a child does not qualify for special education as defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). However, the child would unquestionably meet the definition of disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and thus would be eligible for consideration as a medically fragile student. (p.19)  



Director of Student Services
Dr. Gregory Monroe
p: 252-514-6341
f: 252-514-6376