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Career and College Promise

Through Career and College Promise (CCP), qualified students in North Carolina have the opportunity to pursue classes at community colleges tuition-free while they are in high school, allowing them to get a jumpstart on their workplace and college preparation. 

Technical Careers pathways earn tuition-free course credits at an NC community college toward a job credential, certificate or diploma in a technical career. To be eligible for enrollment in the Career/Technical Education Pathway, a high school student must:

• be a junior or senior,
• have a weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher or have the recommendation of the principal/his or her designee

9th and 10th grade CTE students may enroll in pathways at Craven Community College without UGETC courses in Industrial and Engineering Technologies, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Transportation Technology, Construction or Business Technologies
     * For eligibility purposes, 9th and 10th grade students must:

1. Be identified as gifted by local AIG plan in English/reading and math; and

2. Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading and mathematics on an approved assessment; and

3. Receive recommendation verifying the student has maturity to enroll from high school principal or equivalent administrator; and recommendation of AIG Coordinator (if one is employed by the district); and

4. Receive approval of college president or the college’s chief student development administrator or the college’s chief academic officer; and

5. Receive written consent of the student’s parent/guardian; and

6. Receive academic advising prior to enrollment in the program. 

To maintain eligibility for continued enrollment, all students must continue to make progress toward high school graduation, maintain a 2.0 GPA in college course work after completing two courses and complete 80% of their attempted course work.

What are some of the CTE Pathways?

  • Automotive
  • Computer-Aided Drafting
  • Criminal Justice
  • Electronics Engineering Technology
  • Health Information Technology
  • Information Technology
  • Machining Technology
  • Medical Assisting
  • Small Business Accounting
  • Welding

For more information or to sign up for CCP courses, see your Career Development Coordinator at your school or click on the links below!

Craven Community College CCP
Carteret Community College CCP
Lenoir Community College CCP